

Overall, I believe that the whole film went well, the use of muse-rn-scene passed expectations. The colour, for example in the second scene, while walking home matched the whole skeptical feel. Orange street lights on a dark night we’re able to create a cold and virtually uncomfortable feel. Lighting in the climax, with Danny kitchen being killed, worked well with the whole dramatic feel. Red and blue while walking was able to resemble good vs bad, bad being up top. The low key in his room also gave an unnatural feel to the scene. Contrasting with the high-key and real life lighting. Setting: the tunnel, alert ways, small rooms, dark streets worked well with the dark, dramatic and formal feel to the movie. We all worked hard together on this movie. from filming, getting resources, locations correct, people and the painful process of editing the whole group remained well; adding in input to what could be done with angles, shots and how something’s could be done differently while keepin ...

Me movie

cinematic ideas for 'Lucid Dream'

Cinematic ideas- the most of this short film will be filmed during the night time to reflect the whole darkness and eeriness of the dream to inflict emotions of sadness and melancholia. some scenes will be shot during the day, this will create a distinction between the real world and the dream, with dark being the dream and light during the real world,) general locations of the film will be in lonesome and deserted areas such as 'the abandoned bridge' in Weddington as well as 'desert' which is deserted flat land with trees and woods within the general Sandon region. these locations will be used during night time. in the day time areas such as town which can vary in population will be used to make these sequences more cosy and relatable to real life. white shirts will be worm within the dream segments, however this will change over the course of the film; resembling how the purity of this character is lost. in the dream world, influences of lighter colours such as pink...

a-level film- Lucid Dream synopsis

Lucid dream Horror/drama The film opens up to a startling scene where a teenager walking home from college, in broad daylight, Is robbed of his money and resources in an alley way behind shops. Powerless and frustrated he walks down the cold streets alone and with great melancholia. His house which is small and untidy in which he rests. His dream is shown, where he is in a mans house, with no intention or reason he walks upstairs and Smithers him with a pillow, killing him. Capturing the strange imagination and borderline psychopathic traits of the character. Meanwhile, in real life the person he is suffocating is dying, they are unable to breathe as what happens in the main characters dream is, too, what haopens in real life. In the next dream, we are shown the character who robbed the lead protagonist and the protagonist, one walking towards the other in s wrechted and old tunnel. As they head in both directions the tension builds as the protagonist muders his thief. Now powerl...