a-level film- Lucid Dream synopsis

Lucid dream

The film opens up to a startling scene where a teenager walking home from college, in broad daylight, Is robbed of his money and resources in an alley way behind shops. Powerless and frustrated he walks down the cold streets alone and with great melancholia. His house which is small and untidy in which he rests.
His dream is shown, where he is in a mans house, with no intention or reason he walks upstairs and Smithers him with a pillow, killing him. Capturing the strange imagination and borderline psychopathic traits of the character. Meanwhile, in real life the person he is suffocating is dying, they are unable to breathe as what happens in the main characters dream is, too, what haopens in real life.

In the next dream, we are shown the character who robbed the lead protagonist and the protagonist, one walking towards the other in s wrechted and old tunnel. As they head in both directions the tension builds as the protagonist muders his thief. Now powerless the thief dies in this dream... but is he to die in real life?


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